How to Add and Use 2,000 Custom Emojis in Your Discord Bot Application

Learn how to leverage Discord's feature allowing bots to add up to 2,000 custom emojis. Discover upload requirements, best practices, and how to use c

Discord has introduced an exciting feature for bot developers: the ability to add up to 2,000 custom emojis to your application. This opens up a world of possibilities for creating more engaging and interactive bot experiences. In this article, we'll explore how to make the most of this feature, including how to add emojis and use them in your bot code.

What's New with Discord Bot Emojis?

Discord has always been known for its rich emoji support, but until now, bots were limited in their ability to use custom emojis. With this feature, bot developers can now:

  • Add up to 2,000 custom emojis to their application
  • Use these emojis exclusively for the bot's interactions
  • Enhance user experience with unique, branded, or themed emojis
  • Reference emojis by name and ID in bot messages and reactions

Upload Requirements for Bot Emojis

Before you start uploading your custom emojis, it's important to understand the requirements set by Discord:

  • File Types: JPEG, PNG, or GIF
  • Maximum File Size: 256 KB
  • Recommended Dimensions: 128 x 128 pixels
  • Naming Convention:
    • Minimum 2 characters long
    • Can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores
    • Examples: cool_emoji, happy123, bot_love

How to Add Custom Emojis to Your Discord Bot

  1. Prepare Your Emojis:
    Create or source emojis that meet the above requirements.
  2. Access the Discord Developer Portal:
    Log in to the Discord Developer Portal.
  3. Select Your Application:
    Choose the bot application you want to add emojis to.
  4. Navigate to the Emojis Section:
    Look for a new "Emojis" tab or section in your application settings.
  5. Upload Your Emojis:
    Use the provided interface to upload your custom emojis.
  6. Name Your Emojis:
    Give each emoji a unique name following the naming convention.
  7. Save Changes:
    Ensure you save any changes made in the Developer Portal.

Using Custom Emojis in Your Bot Code

Once you've added custom emojis to your bot, you can use them in your code by referencing their name and ID. Here's how:

  1. Emoji Format:
    <:name:id> for static emojis or <a:name:id> for animated emojis
  2. Finding Emoji IDs:
    You can find the ID of an emoji in the Discord Developer Portal or by using Discord's developer mode
  3. Example Usage:

Here's a code snippet demonstrating how to use a custom emoji in a bot message:

 async def use_custom_emoji(ctx):
    custom_emoji = "<a:check_black:1308341840285798431>"
 await ctx.send(f"Task completed! {custom_emoji}")

This command would send a message with the text "Task completed!" followed by your custom animated black checkmark emoji.

Best Practices for Bot Emojis

1. Theme Your Emojis: Create a consistent style or theme for your bot's emojis to enhance brand recognition.

2. Optimize File Sizes: Keep your emojis under the 256 KB limit while maintaining quality.

3. Use Descriptive Names: Choose emoji names that are easy to remember and relevant to their appearance or function.

4. Consider Accessibility: Ensure your emojis are distinguishable even at smaller sizes.

5. Plan Your Emoji Set: Organize your emojis into categories (e.g., reactions, status indicators, themed sets) for easier management.

6. Keep Track of IDs: Maintain a list of your custom emoji names and IDs for easy reference in your code.

Creative Uses for Bot Emojis

1. Custom Reactions: Allow users to react to messages with your bot's unique emojis.

2. Interactive Menus: Use emojis as visual indicators in bot-created menus or polls.

3. Status Updates: Implement custom status emojis for various bot functions or server statuses.

4. Gamification: Create game-specific emojis for bot-run games in your server.

5. Reward Systems: Use exclusive emojis as rewards for user participation or achievements.

6. Dynamic Messages: Incorporate custom emojis into bot responses for more expressive and engaging interactions.


The addition of custom emojis for Discord bots is a game-changer for developers looking to create more engaging and personalized bot experiences. By following the upload requirements, best practices, and usage guidelines outlined in this article, you can significantly enhance your bot's functionality and appeal.

Remember to keep your emojis relevant to your bot's purpose and your community's interests. With 2,000 slots available and the ability to use them directly in your bot's code, you have plenty of room to get creative and make your Discord bot stand out from the crowd!

Have you started implementing custom emojis in your Discord bot? We'd love to hear about your experiences and creative uses in the comments below!

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�� | Exploring the realms of creativity and curiosity in 280 characters or less. Turning ideas into reality, one keystroke at a time. =» Ctrl + Alt + Believe

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