Implementing Discord Rich Presence in C# Projects

Learn how to integrate Discord Rich Presence into your C# applications and games. Step-by-step tutorial with code examples using NetDiscordRpc library

🎮 Introduction

Discord Rich Presence (RPC) lets developers display live activity details directly in users' Discord profiles. It's a great way to show off your app or game! This guide will walk you through how to use Discord RPC in your C# project with the NetDiscordRpc library. Let's get started!

🛠️ What You’ll Need

  • Basic knowledge of C# and .NET
  • Visual Studio or another C# IDE
  • A Discord Developer account
  • The NetDiscordRpc package (find it on NuGet)

⚙️ Set Up Your Discord Application

  1. Head over to the Discord Developer Portal and create a new app.
  2. Upload assets like images or icons for your app’s display.
  3. Don’t forget to note down your Client ID—you’ll need this in your code!

💻 Install NetDiscordRpc in Your Project

Start a new .NET console project or open an existing one. Install NetDiscordRpc by running this command in the NuGet Package Manager Console:

Install-Package NetDiscordRpc

📲 Basic Setup with NetDiscordRpc

Here’s a simple example to get Discord Rich Presence working in your C# project:

using System;
using NetDiscordRpc;
using NetDiscordRpc.RPC;

namespace DiscordRPCExample
    class Program
        private static DiscordRpcClient client;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            client = new DiscordRpcClient("Your_Discord_Client_ID");

            client.OnReady += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Connected to Discord as {e.User.Username}");

            client.OnPresenceUpdate += (sender, e) =>
                Console.WriteLine("Rich Presence updated!");


            client.SetPresence(new RichPresence()
                Details = "Using my custom software",
                State = "Exploring Discord RPC",
                Assets = new Assets()
                    LargeImageKey = "large_image",
                    LargeImageText = "Custom Software",
                    SmallImageKey = "small_image",
                    SmallImageText = "Version 1.0"

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");


🎨 Customize Your Rich Presence

Want to make it your own? You can personalize the details with the RichPresence() object. Here’s how to add more flair:

client.SetPresence(new RichPresence()
    Details = "Developing awesome software",
    State = "Coding with C#",
    Assets = new Assets()
        LargeImageKey = "coding_image",
        LargeImageText = "C# Developer",
        SmallImageKey = "small_icon",
        SmallImageText = "Version 1.1"
    Timestamps = Timestamps.Now,
    Buttons = new Button[]
        new Button() { Label = "Join My Project", Url = "" },
        new Button() { Label = "Follow Me", Url = "" }

🔄 Advanced Features & Tips

🕹️ Dynamic Updates

Want to update your presence based on in-game actions? Use this to make your status more dynamic:

public void UpdatePresenceForLevel(int level, string activity)
    client.SetPresence(new RichPresence()
        Details = $"Level {level}",
        State = activity,
        Timestamps = Timestamps.Now,
        Assets = new Assets()
            LargeImageKey = $"level_{level}_image",
            LargeImageText = $"Level {level}",
            SmallImageKey = "game_icon"

🔌 Handling Disconnections

If Discord disconnects, don't worry! Add this to reconnect automatically:

client.OnConnectionFailed += (sender, e) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Connection to Discord failed. Attempting to reconnect...");

💡 Performance Considerations

Update your presence wisely to avoid rate limiting. Only update when there’s a significant change in your app.

🔍 Testing & Debugging

  1. Run your project and check for the "Connected to Discord" message.
  2. Open Discord and verify that your profile shows the Rich Presence details.
  3. If something’s off, double-check your Client ID and asset names in the Discord Developer Portal.

⚠️ Common Issues

  • Client ID Mismatch: Make sure the ID in your code matches your Discord app’s Client ID.
  • Missing Images: Ensure your image keys match the assets uploaded to Discord.
  • Rate Limiting: If your status isn’t updating, slow down your updates to avoid hitting limits.

🎉 Conclusion

Congrats, you've now got Discord Rich Presence integrated into your project! Use it to engage with users and show off your app or game in style. Keep your presence fresh and exciting to make the most of it!

🔗 Additional Resources

Discord Developer Portal:

NetDiscordRpc on NuGet:

C# Rich Presence Example on GitHub:

We hope this guide helps you integrate Discord Rich Presence smoothly. Happy coding! 🚀

About the author

�� | Exploring the realms of creativity and curiosity in 280 characters or less. Turning ideas into reality, one keystroke at a time. =» Ctrl + Alt + Believe

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