Featurastic UI Buttons: A Modern Button Library for Creative Web Interfaces

Discover Featurastic UI Buttons, an open-source button library that brings stunning, animated, and customizable buttons to your web projects using pur

What is Featurastic UI Buttons?

Featurastic UI Buttons is an open-source button library that provides developers with a collection of beautiful, animated, and highly customizable buttons. Built with vanilla web technologies, this library offers seamless integration into any web project, regardless of your tech stack.

Key Features

  • Pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript implementation
  • No external dependencies or Library
  • Clear documentation
  • Minimal setup required
  • Lightweight CSS
  • Clean, efficient code

Getting Started

Using Featurastic UI Buttons is as simple as including the CSS and copying the HTML structure. Here's how to get started:

  1. Include the JS:
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/featurastic-ui-buttons@1.0.0/fui-buttons.js"></script>
  2. Copy the button HTML structure:
    <button class="featurastic-button primary">
      Click Me!
  3. Include the CSS: (Optinal)

Available Button Types

The library currently offers several button styles:

Variant Usage Class Preview Color Preview Button
Primary data-variant="primary"
hsl(180, 100%, 50%)
Comming Soon!
Secondary data-variant="secondary"
hsl(338, 99%, 50%)
Comming Soon!
Success data-variant="success"
hsl(111, 100%, 50%)
Comming Soon!
Error data-variant="error"
hsl(0, 100%, 50%)
Comming Soon!
Netural data-variant="netural"
hsl(0, 0%, 50%)
Comming Soon!

Implementation Examples

Here are some examples of how to use different button styles:

<button class="fui-btn" data-variant="primary" data-ripple="true">
  Primary Button

<button class="fui-btn" data-variant="secondary" data-ripple="true">
  Secondory Button

<button class="fui-btn" data-variant="success" data-ripple="true">
  Success Button

<button class="fui-btn" data-variant="error" data-ripple="true">
  Error button

<button class="fui-btn" data-variant="netural" data-ripple="true">
  Netural button

Browser Support

Featurastic UI Buttons works in all modern browsers:

  • Chrome (latest)
  • Firefox (latest)
  • Safari (latest)
  • Edge (latest)
  • Opera (latest)
  • Visit our GitHub repository to learn more about contributing.


    Featurastic UI Buttons offers a modern solution for developers looking to enhance their web projects with beautiful, animated buttons. Its combination of simplicity, customization options, and framework independence makes it an excellent choice for any web project.

    Ready to give your buttons a makeover? Start using Featurastic UI Buttons today and bring some excitement to your user interfaces!

    About the author

    🚀 | Exploring the realms of creativity and curiosity in 280 characters or less. Turning ideas into reality, one keystroke at a time. =» Ctrl + Alt + Believe

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